True Repentance is Important
Repentance. Now this is a word that is practically lost in the church world now. Most people don’t even know what true repentance means. Let’s dig into this so you are not one of those who is clueless to this powerful word.
Repentance has 3 meanings n two parts…..
It’s the Greek word metanoia.. and it means
1. To repent with remorse accompanied by change of heart
2. A change of mind consequent to retrospective. U look inside yourself life and now change your mind about the value of your life.
3. Change of mind from evil to good
Repentance is not something you feel but something you do. You can feel all the consequences of wrong and fully feel guilt, sorrow and fear but it does you no good. Some people never repent but by staying in this state you do more harm and it leads to death until you actually repent.
Contrast repentance with what most people are doing. It is the Greek word metamellomai which means ….”I ought to change myself, I regret what I did, I’m sorry, I wish I hadn’t done that. But no heart repentance follows.
In some cases, repentance is not given time for people to be remorseful over their sin. Without remorse no repentance happens and no real conversion. Remorse takes time.
Once u repent (metanoia ) this leads to conversion which. Conversion is a total willful turn around from your will to God and His will.
So do you see that you can repent, keep walking in your way and not turn to God and literally go to hell. Wow! You must turn in your mind and your will for it to be true repentance.
Keep this simple teaching in your life and remember that God loves you.
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash