Happy 57th Birthday!
April 5
Today is my 57th Birthday.
Wow just saying that makes me feel some kind of way. It’s just a number that I never thought about seeing really. It’s kind of an odd number to me and that may be why I just haven’t felt the same this year as in birthday’s past. I don’t know.
But, I wanted to start something new this year and give myself or you, which ever you want to think…. 57 important statements I live my life by and with as time has gone by. As my birthday present to the reader this is for you. Think of it as 57 impartation words or nuggets of wisdom to live by, lessons to ponder, chew on or toss out.
- God is good all the time.
- Announcing you dream to people causes them to reveal their true heart towards you.
- Live your passion don’t just talk about it.
- God is a God of love but also of judgement.
- Take time for you, self-care is just that.
- Preparation equals promotion.
- Not every who says they are your friend is that friend.
- Put God first in everything.
- Children are a gift remember that when they are grown adults in your house.
- You choose to be offended. Choose well.
- God really is holy.
- Loneliness is real, check on your friends.
- Money is a tool to be used.
- Joy is strength not the absence of problems.
- Slackers rule (let that one sink in)
- Care about your life, others may not.
- Trust God, use caution with everyone else.
- Working hard is not a curse.
- A grateful heart goes a long way.
- God always has a plan even if you don’t see it.
- Why do they call frozen yogurt ice cream — it’ just NOT.
- People are here for a season.
- Marriage is hard work that is worth the blisters.
- He has every one of your tears, keep crying.
- Life is short, use your time wisely.
- Your problem is not really the problem it is how you view it.
- Your life matters.
- Love even the unlovable.
- Hey, sometimes you will lose your temper. Move on.
- All babies are beautiful.
- Forgive yourself quickly.
- Live your passion.
- Find your purpose and do it on purpose.
- You are your greatest investment.
- Live the Book, you will be just fine.
- Be quick to forgive, quick to listen and slow to anger.
- Say I love you everyday and mean it.
- Let go of the past it won’t serve you well.
- Know when to walk away.
- Fear is the reverse of faith.
- Be determined to reach your goal.
- Live intentional then you won’t have regrets.
- You are an original stop comparing yourself to others.
- Gossip is just wrong.
- Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to live that.
- Don’t talk about things you know nothing about.
- Give yourself what you need.
- Celebrate your friends.
- Stress less love more.
- Meditation is not a bad word.
- No is not a bad word…NO!
- Live like its your last chance.
- Realize there are some people you can’t help.
- You are amazing. Tell it to yourself everyday.
- You are here for a reason, find it.
- Become His beloved.
- It’s never too late to start over.
I pray you remember some of these and live your life to the fullest.