Beholding Christ: Disciplines of a Godly Woman Series
Beholding Christ.
Welcome to discipline #2 in my blog series Disciplines of a Godly Woman.
As godly women, we need to make sure that we are looking only to Christ for spiritual guidance and growth. Let’s face it, we live in a world where there is a lot to look at. There is a lot to get distracted with and to take our focus. Some of that focus is very destructive and others is just a waste of time.
Looking only to Christ will cause our lives to be transformed and we will be set apart for the Kingdom of God.
Why do you need to be set apart for His use? Because, you have a purpose in this life and you are not here by accident. There is a whole lot of something inside you that another person needs. There is a fire in you that needs to be let out for others. There is love in you that someone else, who is broken needs. There is direction and wisdom someone needs from you.
What Christ put in you He wants to get out of you for others.
We have to remember we do not live just for ourselves. We are connected to each other on this planet and we need each other. Now more than ever.
So, my friend to be used of Him you need to look at Him, behold Him. You must do this so that you will become the YOU, you were born to be, that He made you to be. You can only be transformed by looking into His reality, not your own.
Our realities are very much tainted with pain, hurt, disappointment, rejection, fears of all kinds and more. Our reality falls short in a big way. So, the man Christ is the one we behold. But how?
First, let’s look at the definition of behold.
What is the definition of behold? It means to see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
Well, we can see from this that Jesus is truly remarkable and impressive and one to behold or look upon. There is nothing that can compare to Him. But, if He is so remarkable (and He is) why do so many look away from Him and gaze at other things?
Because beholding Christ takes intentional effort. It takes falling in love with Him and no other. That is harder everyday in the world we live in but not impossible. So, what is it that is getting most of us off track. Stealing our love of the Lord. It is the fact that we actually begin to gaze and stare at other things longer than we need to and those things catch our intentionality and takes it away from the things of Christ.
Let’s look at some of the things that we need to come against, turn away from, flat out ignore to behold Christ then what we need to do to behold Him.
- Peer comparison. We as women must stop comparing ourselves to other women. Stop letting that other woman be your gauge for if you have succeeded in life or arrived. Only look at your choices and what you are doing in obedience to Christ. Sure, you can see achievements in others, goals she met, career she has and be motivated but that is all. Those are her achievements and you have yours. Stop looking at her.
- Our current situations. This is a big one for most women. We are just plain not satisfied with our own lives. We are not content. We don’t like our weight, our hair, our skin color, our “whatever”. Okay. So you don’t. Change it. But, don’t let it distract you from Christ. Love yourself first and love yourself last. Be your own cheerleader. If you don’t like something change it. Get help. Get advice. But don’t down yourself. Accept who God made you to be. Look at that part of yourself and keep it moving.
- The busy life. Now, this is another big one. You cannot focus on Christ and a zillion other things at the same time. You may need to pull back and take time to re-evaluate your life, your time, your goals, your struggles, your activities and make a plan. The enemy of peace is stress, worry and hurry. Basically, a too busy life will rob you of time with Christ, time in the Word of God and being His image more than you know. Take a look at your life. Are you busy being productive or busy being busy. Make a change.
Now, what things can you do to behold Him.
- Take time to study the book, the Bible. Read about Christ and see who He really is to you and to the world. See what He did for you and how He loves you. Read and keep reading until you gain understanding. Get my new book on How to Study the Bible and get to studying.
- Pray and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. This is the most important person you can get to know, so get to know Him through prayer. Spend time with Him everyday. Share your heart and soul with Him.
- Give your life to Him and follow Him. If you have never given your life to Him and made a decision to follow Him, it will be hard to know Him and behold Him. It really starts there. Get to know Him and make sure that He knows you. Follow Him with all your life. Become His disciple and you will be able to behold Him in all His glory.
When we choose to behold Christ, we can’t help but to be transformed into His likeness since we become what we behold.
The bottom line is, whatever you are beholding, you will become that thing. That thing will become bigger in your life. It will rule. You must learn to meditate on what is His heart for you. When you do that you will see what you truly need to be doing. Beholding is intentional and purposeful.
The world has a bunch of other things that could capture our gaze… yet when we meditate on God’s Word we see clearly His purposes, will, goodness and character. The more we behold His glory, the more clearly we reflect His image and reflect His character to others.
So what are you beholding that needs to change? You can change it today. Selah.
Link to Discipline #3: Stillness
Get my new book here How to Study the Bible: A Bible Study Course for Beginners