Coming Soon!!!
The Quiltmaker
My first fiction book is coming soon. I am writing it now. I have been wanting to write this book for more than 10 yrs. This story comes straight from a supernatural encounter I had with God one night, in my bedroom, in August, 2010. The Lord visited me and told me the most incredible comparison of quilts and marriage. He told me things I had never heard of before or for that matter even thought of. He told me how a quilt (which I make all the time) are like Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Through a series of questions He taught me about
the quilt on my quilt rack in front of me in the dark. He showed me how that quilt was like my marriage and how He was the quilt maker like me. It was amazing. From that encounter I got the book idea, characters and theme of 3 novels I wanted to write.
Click the read the backstory button to learn more about the encounter I had that night that changed my life forever.
Stay tuned as I will keep you updated on this God sent novel that will change the way you see marriage. Click the link above to read the backstory to this novel.

The MANual: Fighting for the Legacy of our Sons & Daughters
Coming Soon!
I have waited a long time to write part 2 of this book. The first book was written when my sons were just children and I was raising them alone and newly divorced. I was navigating uncharted waters for me and for them. They are now grown men with lives and careers. But as they grew up, I grew up too and we all learned a lot together. This book will be full of every type of skill, tool, mom prayers, funny stories and of course the wisdom of God I learned to use to get my sons where they are now- honorable men of God.
But this book will have a twist. I’m writing to all single moms of daughters as well. Yes! I am including both because raising sons is not the only important part. Sons are key but daughters are also.
I have always wanted a daughter and wasn’t blessed to have one of my own but I have a lot of wisdom to say to women. So this time, I decided to include the daughters in this book as they hold a special place in my heart.
This book will give you mommas keys, skills, tools and the wisdom of God to raise your sons and daughters in God and not lose them to the world. But if they are prodigal and in the far country of sin, you can win the back.
Stay tuned as I will be talking and writing about this on my blog, podcast and newsletter.