How to Mark Your Bible
Bible time is such a precious time in the word of God. Reading your Bible can be the most wonderful experience. But for some it’s difficult because they struggle with study the Bible and understanding it.
I wrote a book called How To Study the Bible for Beginners to help them get the most out of their Bible time. I put a section in there on How To Mark Your Bible. I wanted to share that here with you. I learned this little helpful tidbit a long time ago and it’s been wonderful to help people see at a glance certain types of scripture.
This is a section I wanted to put in the book because a lot of people are really wary of marking up their Bible. Marking up your Bible helps you learn the word of God. But for those of you that are not comfortable with this, this may be very good for you.
Let’s begin. There are many ways to mark up your Bible. To get the most out of studying the Bible you will have to get comfortable with marking up your Bible. I have marked many Bibles in my lifetime. There are no right or wrong ways to mark up your Bible. I suggest finding one that works for you and that you can follow all the way through your Bible and stick with that.
I will put a method here that I use that I really like, and I use for a study Bible. I am constantly tweaking this particular way to mark up my Bible and it works for me. This may not work for you. If not, it is okay. Move on to something that does.
I am tweaking this as I find different categories that work for me. I use colored pencils because they don’t bleed through and you can have a variety of colors for the different categories.
I mark certain passages of scriptures in different colors according to the topics chosen.
When you find certain passage of scripture that match the types below, you highlight them in that color. Easy.
Parables (teal)
Covenant (pink)
Love (blue)
Miracles/acts of God (yellow)
Promises (red)
Sin/evil/devil/suffering (black)
Prayer (purple)
Marriage/kids/husband/wife/family (gold)
Prophecy (green)
Important scriptures to me (brown)
Commands (orange)
Joy (pink highlighter)
When you go back and look in your Bible over time you will be very familiar with the types of scripture that you see. You will learn a great deal by adding this to your Bible study time.
I hope this works for you as well as it has for me.
Talk to you later.