How to Obtain Your Purpose
Today is a good day for a coffee blog break. I wanted to break in to your day and give you some tips on purpose and destiny to stir around in your soul for some thought.
We hear a lot about purpose and destiny from a lot of people. Some of you probably already know you have a purpose but are you walking in it? Are you living in it? Do you find yourself wondering that your dream is dieing?
Did you know the you are not a random being on this earth? You are not an accident. You were born with a specific design and specific purpose to fulfill. That thought alone should make you very curious. Your life is more than what you are doing now if you don’t know your purpose.
Let that sink in.
So, if you are here for some specific reason, and you are, shouldn’t you be living in that purpose and fulfilling what the Father God created you for? Shouldn’t that be the driving force for your life?
You can know what it is. You are not to live blindly wondering. You are no to live aimlessly day by day.
Let’s discover some truths and get you going.
Pull up a chair and a cup of coffee and let these realities soak in and really think about where they fit in your life.
10 Things You must Have to Obtain your Purpose:
1. Purpose
You must discover what your purpose is. How? By going to God the Father who created you and gave you life. He created you with that purpose in His mind and He knows, alone, what you are to do for Him in this earth. So ask Him.
2. Passion
You must have passion and desire and it must be stronger than any opposition in your life that you are presently in or that will come. And opposition will come to oppose you and your dream. Think about your passion. When you find it, be a master of it.
3. Potential
You must believe in the potential you have and believe in the God ability in you. Do not let anyone tell you that you are less than what God told you you are to Him.
4. Planning
You must have a plan. Have you written down your purpose. Can you state it in a sentence, a few sentences, a paragraph. Write it down. You need to have a plan that God can work with. God just needs to have something to work with.
5. People
You need people. Choose your friends wisely. Your purpose is not lived in isolation. Other people are closely involved. Choose those that will help your purpose and encourage you. You will not get your dream to come to pass alone. This is very important. You need people. You don’t need everyone. Those that are not supposed to be in your life they will leave, don’t worry. God has people who are a part of your plan and His purpose for you. Be watchful.
6. Preparation
You must prepare. Fertilize your mind with material that relates to your purpose and let it be good material. Life giving material. Learn from many sources and glean the information that you need. Let nothing stop you from preparing. Preparation equals promotion.
7. Persistence
Do not, do not, do not give up!!!!! Ever. Commit yourself to seeing your dream against all odds. You have to go get your dream it will not come to you and knock on the door of your life and say “here I am”.
8. Prayer
Nothing comes to us but by prayer. You must pray to God about your dream and let Him show you things about it and the direction of it.
9. Protect
You must protect the dream from dream killers and dream thieves. You know those people that tell you it is impossible what you are believing for or trying to do. Give them the left foot of fellowship. Do not listen to them. Guard your life from procrastination and people that speak against your dream. Line your activities up around your dream.
10. Perpetuate
Let your dream be bigger than you. It is bigger than you. It must be bigger in order to be fulfilled by God and to be left for the next generation. Let the dream live beyond your death. Leave something here that says to the world “I was here”. You are not the end of all things.
There is something finished you must start. Now go start it and see what amazing things will come of your journey.