I’m an author, biblical insight life coach, child of God, lover of the Bible, books, decorating, dogs & chocolate.
I am not a complicated person. But, I am a passionate woman about a lot of things…God, books, love, family and creativity.
Hello, I’m Stephanie.
I live outside of Atlanta, GA where I live my dream of being an author. I love books and I have loved writing for as l long as I can remember. I am admittedly a journal junkie. But to have a stash of journals you need pens, so I’m a pen hog too.
I graduated from Christian Life School of Theology Global with a Doctorate in Theology. I have several certificates of counselling in Old Testatment history, Biblical counselling and Advanced Biblical counselling, & Marriage and family studies. I am an author collaborator with Books & Such Literary Agency, certified forgiveness coach, empowerment life coach and Christian lay counsellor. When I am not writing, I love to hang out with friends for dinner, play with my puppy Kyrie, relax, read or quilt.
Let me share with you below some of most important people in my life & more about myself.

to God
First thing everyday
With my puppy
my happy place
Two Sons
most important to me
A Walk To Remember
my Favorite movie

Meet Kyrie.
This is my little side kick and writing buddy, Kyrie. Kyrie was born April 27, 2022. He is my black mini-schnauzer. He is the sweetest thing ever. I think I waited my whole life to have a schnauzer of my own after all the years of my kids having one. He is such a joy and very emotionally dependent on me. I can’t go 2 feet without him following me. He has the sweetest personality and then can be feisty as can be.
Meet my son Jonathyn.
My first born son has my heart in a way no other can. This baby grew to a man with gifts and talents that the world needs. From 3 years old we knew he was gifted on the piano. That gift grew to multiple instruments and prophetic music voice. He is an extremely anointed gift of music to the world. Jonathyn carries one of the most powerful music gifts of anyone. He opens his mouth while playing the piano and nothing but pure heaven falls out. When you are in his presence you feel the love of God, hear God and experience God in a way that only He can deliver. To know my son is to have experienced the power of God through music that will leave your soul marked forever.

Meet my son Stephen.
This young man is my second heart. When I say he is amazing I am not kidding! Amazing doesn’t describe his heart of love for the word of God and preaching. I knew within one week of his birth that he was going to be fierce in the world and unstoppable in all he does. He is an amazing evangelist in training and now an EMT and soon fireman who has a powerful call of God on his life. He is passionate (like is momma, God help him) he loves hard and loves life. He is a thinker and speaker in the world. His voice of wisdom is beyond his age. You will be blessed and changed for meeting him. But, more importantly you will be inspired to be like Christ after having talked to him. Not to mention he is a great personal trainer and will help you get your body in shape to live the life you need to live.

Meet my spiritual parents Doris & Grady.
These two people are the most wonderful God fearing example of God’s love and person of Christ I have ever met. They saved my life at a time in my life when all hell, depression and suicide came for me. Doris became the mom I didn’t have and loved me to life everyday of my pain. She was there every single day for over 12 years helping me to see and be the woman I am today. She never left. Grady was a strong father leader image in my life of support and strength. Giving much of himself and pouring in all that he had. They will forever be a gift to my life that changed me forever. You only get this once in a lifetime. Thank you.

Meet my heart Mychael.
I truly believe that I met and married my soulmate. June 6, 1992 was the day my life changed, forever. I put this picture here because I am a covenant stander til death with this man. I was divorced against my decision but because of my vows to God this marriage still stands in my heart & with God. I am a stander more now than ever. The picture is the one place on this site I honor of my covenant, my family and my still covenant husband. God sees us and he will forever be the husband I chose no matter what he does or does not do in his life. I will keep my vows to him and to God. I was married for 22 yrs to my best friend and one of the most amazing persons I have ever known.

More about Me.
For as long as I can remember have loved books, paper and pens. I think I have always wanted to be an author. To date I have written and self-published 14 books including journals and many blogs, two courses. I am a journal junkie and have over 286 titles for books listed. All I can think about is writing. I am a creative. I love to create pretty things and decorate. I love Hobby Lobby and Kirklands. I will change a room in a heartbeat. I am passionate about friendship, family and relationship. I am always looking for how to make a memory. I love celebration of people and moments. My deepest love is Jesus, the Bible, my sons and the man I married that is no longer in my life. I live true to my heart and true to people. I am not complicated.