Who’s Bumping Your Happy?
When people give it to you, let’s face it you want to give it back to them. There is something in our nature that just comes up at first and wants to lash out. Frankly, you may just lash out but then…. you stop. Think. Repent. And you do this all the time.
But you can be angry… you can give yourself 24 hours, one day to get over that attitude. One day to brood and get over it. Now I usually am not an advocate of angry, offense, attitude and the like. But if you are trying to work something out and you ar trying to learn to NOT be perfect all the time… then give yourself one day.
After or during your 24 hrs brooding and talking to God, realize that person that hurt you is just an opportunity to walk in the blessing and a greater opportunity to walk in love. I had to do that recently. I had to forgive something someone said and move on. Literally forgive, drop it and let it go.
Never to talk about it again. Never.
There is a heavy price for the need to be right…. it will be the intimacy with God that is easily lost and that will result in isolation and inability to maintain healthy intimate relationships. Let go of trying to be right. Let it go now.
When you step out of grace into law and begin to demand what is right and fair, from someone that did you wrong….you cause the land to be polluted when you violate laws of God according to Isaiah.
When someone gives it to you, you don’t have to give it back to them. You can’t do that.
When this happens and you give it to them….you begin a progression of defilement. When you aggressively strive to be right you start to develop a negative attitude toward others and develop impure motives in that relationship. I don’t know about you, I don’t want to live that way.
When you give it back to them, you begin to have defiled speech and conversation against that person and then devisive actions in relationships with the result of you damaging other relationships which then causes you to move into isolation.
You pull away and then as you pull away and cut off healthy relationships. You begin to not feel at home in love or grace but you still want to walk with God so you now start to perform for and in Gods love.
Why all this? Why? Because someone is bumping your happy. You know that happy place we like to keep and not have anyone touch our lives with their rudeness, harsh words, judgements and the like.
This is the law of the flesh. It breeds isolation and destruction.
You change this by choosing forgiveness, choose to forgive, seek forgiveness for violating the law of judging, possibly practice restitution and go to them and make it right, and then renew your mind in this area.
I went to someone to apologize for something and I got attacked. I now have to let that go. I must. Because the anointing is on the line. I choose to let them bump my happy. I choose to forgive.
How about you? Who is bumping your happy and who do you need to forgive?
Do it today.